Louise Buttler: Pilates Instructor and founder of LIVE BRAVE

Tell us about how you got your start in your industry, and how it led to the work you do today?

I started my journey in the industry after discovering Pilates with my mum. Following on from my mum’s breast cancer diagnosis, she went through chemo and Pilates was a part of her rehab and so to help motivate her I attended classes with her. It was a life changing moment for me as I immediately saw the physical and mental benefits it had on me and I knew from that moment that I wanted to be able to share the power of Pilates with as many people as possible and why I trained. It was exactly this that led me to start hosting live classes online during lockdown and when I saw the benefits it was having on others I decided to launch our online platform, LIVE BRAVE.

What was the inspiration behind becoming an entrepreneur?

It wasn’t my intention and it was sort of accidental, it all started during lockdown with my husband when we were trying to keep fit and we decided to share this with others...

I was running a little studio in Clapham and then when Covid hit I decided to do Pilates everyday on Instagram for 25 minutes and we built up a really great community of hundreds of people attending the classes each day. Then one day we were invited on Good Morning Britain and that was the turning point really, we gained a large following very quickly and I decided to set up LIVE BRAVE - to bring together all the people and the classes and it’s just gone from there.

However, my parents have their own business and have always worked very hard for myself and my brothers. My husband works hard and I am surrounded by hard working women which is very inspiring. Matched with the fact I am extremely passionate about what I do it has given me the drive to want to create something bigger than I first thought!

Is there a success story or career milestone that you are most proud of?

On a personal level I find it so rewarding whenever I get an email from someone who tells me what a positive impact the classes have had on them, people saying they feel so much happier and healthier since introducing regular Pilates sessions into their routine. On a business level, I am super proud of the partnership we have with Vitality and the amount of people we have been able to reach through it.

Can you tell us about your experience as a Pilates trainer?

I am Stott and comprehensive Polestar trained (this means reformer, mat, trapeze table, chair) and I am also pre and post natal certified. Aside from this I have worked teaching classes, one to one sessions and I personally train many professional athletes (including my husband, Jos Buttler) and even models.

What sets LIVE BRAVE apart from other fitness programs and apps?

The LIVE BRAVE Pilates method focuses on functional movements which realign the body whilst conditioning and building deep full body strength. The method is distinct from other Pilates styles as it is extremely concentrated on alignment and precise movements which engage small muscles (ones which you never knew you had!) to tone and strengthen in an intelligent, low impact way. The classes are centred around small repetitive movements which achieve maximum results. I have studied Pilates extensively and my knowledge about both Pilates and the anatomy means my cueing style is quite unique, I clearly explain alignment while seeking to create a calm, reassuring environment.

All of the classes are expertly choreographed to be easy on the joints, suitable for everybody and offer options to up the intensity if desired.

Lastly, for me it’s all about creating the feeling that I am personally teaching each member. To do so, I cue in a way that is very unique and the feedback from our members is that it feels like I am in the room with them and that they could do the class with their eyes closed. I believe this is a result of my extensive experience and training which has led to a very high level of knowledge around both Pilates and the anatomy.

We also try to make the platform as welcoming as possible too so that it is accessible to all ages and fitness levels.

What is your philosophy when it comes to nutrition and its role in achieving fitness goals?

Food and nutrition impacts everything in our everyday lives: energy, concentration, sleep, hormonal levels therefore it’s so important to not just see training as the physical part but also what we are putting in ourselves. Nutrition for me is also part of something much bigger, it’s something social, cooking with friends and teaching my children about the importance of sitting down to have a family meal.

Personally, I am currently trying to eat 30 different fruits and vegetables a week and have noticed what a massive impact this has had on my hair, skin and energy levels and I know that this is something that my body reacts really well to.

LIVE BRAVE works with the nutritionist Pippa Groves, who is specialised in gut health, and she shares new recipes each week which are seasonal, easy to make and full of all the stuff we should be getting into our bodies so that also helps me stay on track with my nutrition!

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest fitness trends and research in the industry?

I make sure I am always up-to-date on industry trends through social media, going to classes with new teachers, attending workshops at the Polestar studio on specific areas such as bone health or post natal health. I want to make sure I always know what’s going on so I can offer the best level of service possible to all my members. With this in mind we are currently working on some dedicated programmes with some industry specialists….

How do you motivate and inspire your clients to stay committed to their fitness journey?

For me it’s about making movement accessible, small habits can bring big change. I know how hard it can be to make time for exercise as a working mum or two so I want to make things easier for my members. I regularly run challenges where the weekly schedules are set out, most of my classes are 20-30 minutes and our current challenge, the Consistency Challenge, is all 20 minute classes that don’t need equipment meaning they can be done anywhere.

Lastly, I always try to bring a positive energy and a smile to my classes.

What do you consider the biggest challenges in helping individuals achieve their fitness goals, and how do you address them?

I think probably it’s mindset and surprisingly it’s the mindset of people who exercise too much doing HIIT. I see a lot of people doing weights and high impact exercise and they aren’t seeing the results they want as they aren’t engaging the correct muscles. Through Pilates you learn to engage the right muscles and when you move correctly you see change more quickly.

What are some of the challenges you face? What keeps you up at night?

I would say that running a small business is challenging in itself! But looking to grow that business, staying on top of fitness industry trends and making sure our content is always the best it can be keeps me on my toes!

What was the best advice anyone ever gave you, and did you follow it?

That’s a difficult one but I would say that the piece of advice that sticks in my mind is that I was once told that there are no rules in business and I have definitely found that to be true!

Discover More: LIVE BRAVE