Your Mind & Well-Being: It’s going to be Annus Mirabillis!

I am an International relationship expert, life coach and I like to practise what I preach, and if I am honest I had to learn the hard way to move forward in my life and having trained donkey’s years ago.

I still believe a life of hard knocks teaches us so much. I wanted to put something together and think about different cultures and how to help everyone move forward from some of the hardest years we have all been through.

How do we move forward? good question as you need to be ready to move forward, but you can’t if you’re living in the past. “You have to destroy a seed to bloom”. The art of letting go, you see we hold on so tight to everything out of fear that could be a relationship as we are scared to be on our own, but to make room for good you have to let go of what is not serving you! I want to tell you a couple of stories.

A friend of mine’s mum passed away and deeply missed her and felt lonely without her. She held onto all her stuff, all her clothes, shoes, and sideboard literally she had everything but the kitchen sink LOL. Anyway, I spoke to her one day and said to make room for the new you have to get rid of the old, it’s your fear holding you back.

I explained you have your mum’s memories and what good is it doing hauling all this stuff! She agreed it was getting in the way and cluttering her home. I said give it to charity or sell it and buy a nice tree in memory of your mum. She did that over the course of the week. Then the last day when she got rid of it all she met this lady in the charity shop. It turns out this lady used to know her mum and they were great friends from school and they arranged to meet for lunch the following week.

This lady hasn’t replaced her mum, but it moved the stale energy and brought her a gift. You see the universe will replace what has gone and this lady has helped my friend move on and feel she is close to her mum again which is so lovely. I also have another short story and I want you to do this so over the course of the next 7 days. I want you to throw out 21 items a day and that could be a pair of old knickers or those jeans you have kept for 10 years holding on to just in case you can’t fit back into them or old pills, to maybe an old engagement ring from an ex.

You see you’re telling the universe I don’t need these and I will be well and won’t have this problem again and throw them out or sell them.

I did this on the second day I threw out an old pad it had lots of notes and it was a pain as I didn’t have a notepad but it was old stuff in it that I didn’t really need, some of the written stuff was from the past and I also threw out pack 4 highlighters as they worked but wasn’t great, they had old memories attached to them as someone who wasn’t a good person had used them.

I bet like me you have lots of old items etc we just hold on to. So I threw them out and I swear on my life my son came home from work that night. I hadn’t told him what I had been doing.

He came into my room and said mum got something for you as he is moving jobs in the same company and didn’t need it. He gave me a new pad and a blue highlighter.

You see if you have to lose your car or a job or partner it’s not easy, but you will have a replacement and it might not happen straight away but it will be replaced. You just need to give the universe time to catch up and trust it will happen and bring you better things in your life.

So I want you to go through your things, draws and cupboards over the course of the next 7 days and remove 21 items a day. I can guarantee you that you will feel a sense of achievement, and accomplishment and you will see things start to change! So out with the old and in with the new. “What is imminent is better than what is gone”

Next and this is a very important part of life, I know I talk about it lots but BALANCE is truly the key in everything we do in life!

I want you to write the first number that pops into your head, for example, let’s go with fun and leisure and out of 1 to 10 and 10 being strong you put the number you feel relates to that part of your life. Example 3 and this will demonstrate where you are putting energy into what section of your life and those parts you are not giving enough attention to.

I hope this demonstrates to you that what needs to be worked at and if you look at Personal Growth that could be learning self-development or spiritual learning, reading more books or going on courses and remember knowledge is power and this will help you in other parts of life too. I feel this is the year to look inward and to become more critical and analytical in finding yourself…

I want to tell you another short story, this lady on her life chart, the only part of her life that was a 10 was work and money and the rest were pretty much 2 or 3 which is so unhealthy. She didn’t do anything about it until life caught up with her. You see it will turn up and bite you on the arse. It did exactly that to this lady.

I love this quote “If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.”

Please reevaluate everything in your life and balance it out before it balances you out! I personally feel the world needs more love, compassion, and strength and we all have this within, so reach a little deeper inside as YOU got this!

I wish you a healthy, happy and abundant year ahead!