Artist Daan Oude Elferink (Daanoe) travels the world to to explore and capture the beauty of forbidden, decayed and abandoned places. The places he visits are not open for the public and permission pretty much never is given, because the places are too dangerous. That’s why often Daan needs to go to the extreme to find a way in by climbing high walls, rooftops, crawling through tunnels, etc.

Daan’s limited edition artworks have been exhibited in art galleries and art fairs in more than 20 cities all over the world, including Miami (USA), New York (USA), Paris (France), London (UK), Stockholm (Sweden), Bangalore (India), Singapore and obviously his home country The Netherlands.

Daan recently released his fourth book ‘Travel in Time’. In this book Daan wants to offer you a peek through the windows, to travel in time and experience the places as if you are really there. To make this possible, he created a free app. Using the app, you can scan the photos which will bring them to life. But it doesn’t stop there! Press the button and put your phone inside the VR Goggles provided, and you will be transported to another reality.

Following on from my earlier books I am thrilled to introduce you to my latest photographic chronicles in “Travel in Time”. I hope you will be left astounded by the beauty of the past as seen through the lens of today.

Travel back in time with me and explore the beauty of decay. The elegance and splendor of a beautiful ballroom, chapel or theater. Time standing still, offering a glimpse of the high society lives of our past. The imposing villa hosting graceful socialites in their finery. You can almost smell the lingering perfume and hear the band playing its closing notes. The theater now empty, but where the sound of the applause of the appreciative audience still rings in your ears.

Ask yourself, what happened to the homemaker, the pilot, the driver or the power plant owner. Why did they depart so hastily?

When something is abandoned and devoid of human life, when maintenance has long ceased, decay takes possession of the whole. In time only the weather leaves a mark and nature slowly takes over. Above all, the neglect and decay reflect the former life. And this is where you will find the romance of the past.

During my explorations I have come across many abandoned vehicles that in better days were designed for travel. And although many of them are revealed in this book, this is not the sole reason for its title. The cover gives you a hint. I want to offer you a peek through the windows, to travel in time with me and experience the places I have visited as if you are really there.

To make this possible, I have created a free app. Using the app, you can scan the photos which will bring them to life. But it doesn’t stop there! Press the button and put your phone inside the VR Goggles provided, and you will be transported to another reality.

Not all photos have (360 degree) videos right now. Many photos in this book were captured long before I even came up with this idea. So, you will watch videos made on old cell phones and action cams, but also new material from professional cameras and drones. Because some of the videos were filmed many years later than when the actual photo in the book was taken, it may show a different season, further decay, or in some cases even renovation.

Secret underground airbase

The last time an airplane landed at this airbase was in May 1992 and it never left. This aircraft is an old Douglas C-47 “Dakota”, the military transport version of the civilian passenger airplane DC-3.

It is located at the entrance of the largest underground airport and military airbase in former Yugoslavia. What has made the airbase so unique, is the fact that it was built inside a hollowed-out mountain.

The construction of this strategically important airbase turned out to be an extremely expensive military project and was conducted in utmost secrecy between 1948 and 1968. It was one of the largest of its kind and one of the European projects linked to the Arms Race, post World War II. The airbase was fully operational between 1968 and 1992. The complex was rigged with landmines during the Balkan war, employing more than 50 tons of explosives causing excessive damage to the base.

When we researched the airbase prior to our trip, we learned that visiting the base would be extremely dangerous due to the vast amounts of unexploded landmines and other munitions on and around the former military base. Nowadays the police force uses the area to train dogs in explosives detection.

We couldn’t understand the words on the many signs we saw while exploring the base, but the skull symbol and the words ‘MINE’ and ‘MINES’ said more than enough. I can still hear my buddy shouting to me how stupid I was being when I was poking my tripod further and further into the ground between the trees to afford a wider view of the airplane I was shooting with my camera.

In the video of this airbase, which you can play on the app, you can see us driving along the airstrip of the airbase. Such a bizarre feeling. And you can see the curious entrance to the mountain, shaped in the profile of an airplane. What an amazing adventure that was!

Visit my website to see which photos have videos. In time, more and more videos will become unlocked. So connect with me on social media and do not miss out on a thing!

Come with me to a world behind the ‘no entry’ signs and locked doors. Join me in places where time seems to have stood still. Travel in time with me. Be amazed. Imagination is everything!

Written by Daan Oude Elferink