The Dive MENA Expo: What You Can Expect

The opening motif of the expo is Diving Heroes, which honours some of the greatest names in the field and their incredible accomplishments. These are the individuals who have risked everything to delve beneath the surface, whether they did so for an admirable, useful, or daring reason. Without these individuals taking the risk and demonstrating what is possible with the proper preparation and attitude, the industry would have looked very different.

Ahmed Gabr, a former Egyptian Army commander and two-time world record holder, is our first hero. His accomplishments include organising and participating in the World's Largest Underwater Cleanup as well as the World's Deepest Scuba Dive (332.35m on open circuit diving). The only certified US Combat Diver in the Middle East, Ahmed completed the US Army Combat Diver training.

Jarrod Jablonski will talk about heroes for the second time today. The record for the longest cave penetration in a deep cave was established by Jarrod, a renowned researcher and cave explorer. In the Wakulla Springs cave system, Jarrod and his diving partner Casey McKinlay made it to a height of 7,900 metres. As a result of their investigation of the cave system, another record for the longest cave diving traversal—11 kilometres—was established. This traversal took more than seven hours. The Deep Dive Dubai, the world's deepest diving facility, was built and is run by Jarrod.

Bárbara Lang-Lenton, Director of the Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project, is our third champion (DTRP). This organisation is committed to the Middle East's sea turtle rescue, rehabilitation, and protection. One of the pioneering initiatives of its kind in the region, DTRP collaborates with Dubai's Wildlife Protection Office. Barbara is a fervent conservationist who loves to spread her enthusiasm.

Blue Ocean is the topic for the second day. The emphasis of this theme is on sustainability and the significance of increasing public knowledge of ocean conservation. Every person on the planet depends on the ocean for their survival, as it provides food for billions of people, produces oxygen, and controls the climate. Thus, safeguarding it and promoting long-term sustainability are crucial for the welfare of the human species.

Yuriy Rakmuttlah is the day's opening guest. Yuriy loves freediving and sharing his knowledge with others. He holds certifications from Molchanovs, AIDA, PADI, EFR, and Apnea School. He also acts as a B-level judge on the AIDA judging panel as well as a member of the board for AIDA UAE.

One of the most motivational presenters at the event, Faisal Jawad Hassan, is the second Blue Ocean speaker. Faisal experienced a time of severe depression after becoming paraplegic as a result of a tragic accident when he was 20 years old. His rehabilitation included learning to dive, and he later broke the record for the quickest 10-kilometre scuba dive (at 5 hours, 24 minutes), which had been held by a diver in good physical condition.

Members of the Arabian Ocean Rowing Team, Fahim Al Qasimi, Toby Gregory, James Rale, and Rai Tamagnini make up the concluding group of speakers. They were the first UAE team to row from La Gomera (off the shore of Africa) to the Caribbean islands of Antigua and Barbuda across the Atlantic Ocean without any assistance. The team's efforts, which were part of a taxing race across the Atlantic Ocean, helped the Clean Seas environmental initiative gain a lot of attention.

The 2023 Dive MENA Exhibition will offer something for everyone, whether they are experienced divers or have never even been near water. Come to the event with us to learn about the men and women who paved the way for business!

You can purchase your ticket for the Dubai Boat Show 2023 here.

Divers get FREE entry; all you need to do is click here to register and upload a copy of your diving licence.