New Zealand's First Hotel Led Regenerative Travel Experience.

Just opened at Auckland's Hotel Britomart is a whole new way to rejuvenate while on vacation. In addition to helping the environment and the local population, it will take tourists on a sensory trip through the breathtaking native bush of New Zealand. While learning about conservation initiatives and engaging in sustainable practices, guests may fully immerse themselves in the region's verdant vegetation and lively fauna. Not only does the experience seek to rejuvenate travellers, but it also aspires to contribute to the land and people that truly define New Zealand. This restorative vacation revolutionises sustainable travel by putting an emphasis on ethical tourism and community service.

By visiting a "native forest farm," tourists may get a taste of local cuisine while learning about local customs and the benefits of reforesting native bush for New Zealand's abundant biodiversity. The growing number of tourists who are thinking about the social and environmental effects of their vacation has prompted the creation of this half-day (four hour) tour.

A regenerative native forest farm in Parau, located 25 km west of Auckland’s CBD, Velskov is partnering with the Hotel Britomart to provide this experience. In order to further enhance their awareness of sustainable agricultural techniques, guests may also take part in hands-on activities like tree planting and soil regeneration. The partnership between Hotel Britomart and Velskov demonstrates a commitment to promoting responsible tourism and supporting regional initiatives that benefit the environment. In contrast to the same old tourist traps, this one-of-a-kind adventure puts guests in touch with nature while also encouraging them to do their part to protect New Zealand's precious natural resources.

Visitors may reach Velskov's organic forest farm via a 45-minute electric van journey. In this area, students learn about the local culture and customs, how to gather food, the taste and health benefits of native plants, and how to plant a native tree* to honour their voyage to New Zealand while also helping to restore the forest and store carbon.

There has been an estimated 75% reduction in New Zealand's original natural forest cover. Velskov is trying to make growing food from native forests a financially viable choice so that more people will reforest their property. Velskov's efforts have advanced both the native forest and the necessity of sustainability and environmental protection. Visitors may learn about the environment and help restore it by taking part in these activities. They get a deeper appreciation for the interdependence of all living things and their own power to promote environmental preservation as a result of this experiential learning opportunity.

Clinton Farley, general manager of The Hotel Britomart, says, “The tourism industry has an important part to play in conservation and the impacts on local communities, especially as we head towards New Zealand's goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Regenerative travel is an important space for us, and we see our partnership with Velskov as an opportunity to help our guests learn more about sustainability and give back in a small way to the communities they are visiting. We hope by taking part in this tour, our guests will gain a better understanding of the importance of regenerating native forests and take that knowledge back home.”

Discover More: Hotel Britomart