“Just like the herds, we adapt."

To better observe the Great Migration in Serengeti National Park, Wilderness is launching a high-end mobile tented camp. Wilderness Usawa Serengeti, scheduled to open in the middle of July 2023, will follow the herd as it migrates over the park's length and width, with two camps strategically placed along the path.

“Just like the herds, we adapt. The flexibility of our sublime Wilderness Usawa Serengeti camp allows us to move at short notice between a number of seasonal hotspots across the Serengeti, ensuring guests are in the right place, at the right time to marvel at the unfolding drama”, said Hadley Allen, Wilderness Chief Commercial Officer.

“Usawa means ‘balance’ in Swahili. There is the chaos of thousands of animals driven by thirst and hunger, desperate to cross rivers, yet they are all moving in a purposeful direction as one. Through birth and death, rain and drought, balance is restored on the plains. Wilderness Usawa Serengeti is far from the crowds yet close to the action”, added Grant Woodrow, Head of Wilderness New Business Development.

In close proximity to the migrating herds but removed from the high-density tourist areas, the Wilderness Usawa Serengeti experience provides maximum action without compromising on comfort. The tented camp at Wilderness Usawa Serengeti is exquisitely designed and mindfully decorated, adding a thought-provoking dimension to the guests' very private and isolated East African experience.

Wilderness' camps are strategically placed within the Serengeti's designated walking zones, so guests can begin their guided walks right from their accommodations. The guides shape truly memorable Serengeti guest experiences by being exceptionally knowledgeable and expertly trained. Game drives, birdwatching, and stargazing can all be done right from camp.

Wilderness Usawa Serengeti is a small, luxurious camp in Tanzania that can house a total of 12 guests in its six luxury safari tents with private bathrooms. As the set-up is fully movable, no permanent fixtures are left behind when the camp moves, leaving a light footprint on the planet. All of the electricity needs of the camps, from the lights to the Wi-Fi and the hot showers, can be met by the sun. If your child is under the age of 16, they will need to share a room with an adult, but kids as young as 6 are welcome at Wilderness Usawa Serengeti. The camp must be booked for solo use to accommodate children younger than 6.

Approximately two million animals migrate annually across more than a thousand kilometres of Serengeti National Park, making the Great Migration one of the greatest natural spectacles on Earth. Safari goers may expect to see massive herds of animals, including wildebeest, zebra, Thomson's gazelle, eland, and more. As you might expect, having so much food available brings out many predators. Lion prides splinter the herds and kill large numbers of wildebeest; cheetahs target the swifter Thomson's gazelles, and crocodiles ambush the intrepid when the herds attempt to cross rivers. It's a natural phenomenon unlike anything else on Earth, with animals on a scale never before seen.

More than 500 different bird species may be found in the Serengeti, making it a haven for birdwatchers. The grey-breasted spurfowl, rufous-tailed weaver, and grey-crested helmetshrike are three endemic birds to keep an eye out for.

Wilderness also added that, via formal training courses for impoverished youngsters, and by teaching and upskilling the community, it enables local inhabitants to minimise their dependency on poaching, snaring, and cutting down trees. By working with the authorities and other local partners, Wilderness strives to help protect the phenomenal natural areas of Serengeti National Park.

“We look forward to introducing our guests to the Serengeti – the jaw-dropping sights, the thrill of the chase, the impact, the feast; over as soon as it began, and usawa is restored – in the front row seats our camps offer”, noted Hadley.

Discover more: Wilderness