Being The Grey Man

You’ve seen the headlines and you’ve heard the news – street crime is abundant. Big cities like Paris, New York and London have become a haven for criminals and with increasing cuts to policing the problem is only going to get worse. So, what can we do to protect ourselves? 

In the absence of police protection or a personal bodyguard comes the realisation that you’re on your own and you have to be responsible for your own security – something which in the current climate should be taken very seriously. 

Even if you’re a confident, black-belted martial arts ninja, little can be done against an attacker with a knife or an unexpected assault from behind. Therefore, the solution is to avoid any type of confrontation or better still, avoid being noticed. 

The Grey Man Concept – what is it?

The grey man concept is a term that has been drawn up by undercover military and law enforcement officers to describe a method whereby an individual becomes a master of remaining inconspicuous to the point where he/she remains unnoticed - it is the art of blending into a crowd. 

Why become the Grey Man?

The rationale comes from the notion that if a person attracts attention, then they may be subject to further scrutiny that may reveal their identity or weakness and make them prone to attack. The grey man however will not draw any attention and will not attract as much as a second glance thereby affording freedom of movement when transiting from A to B. Not standing out in a crowd limits further scrutiny and reduces the chances of you becoming a target. 

How to become the Grey Man 

Becoming the grey man requires practise; to some it comes naturally, while others may have to work at it. Like a chameleon, the idea is to adapt your actions and persona in accordance to your surroundings. This will depend on your destination and will likely require some research; it’s no use trying to blend into a church congregation whilst wearing a tracksuit. 

Depending on where you’re going, there are a few basic principles when trying to be the grey man and stealthily remain inconspicuous: 

Dress down – discard any designer labels in favour of regular looking clothing. Depending on your environment, the aim is to blend in and look like everyone else. 

Avoid bright colours – stick with neutral colours in your clothing, bags, hair, and make-up. 

Remove Jewellery – street criminals may be looking out for people with expensive watches or jewellery, don’t wear it. 

Mobile phone on silent – receiving a sudden call may draw attention to you and divert your own attention to your phone, so keep it on silent and out of sight.  

Scent – don’t wear it. 

Posture – standing tall and walking proudly gives off an air of confidence, so aim to do the opposite by keeping your head down and shoulders slightly hunched.

Eye contact – avoid it if possible. If any eye-contact is accidentally made, then quickly look away and don’t hold your stare. 

Remain calm – a calm mind creates rational thinking.

Constantly be aware of your surroundings – be aware of where you are and what’s going on around you. Try to memorise a potential course of action should things go wrong. Memorise escape routes and safe places to go should the worse happen. 

Practise situational awareness – this means being in tune with your environment and knowing what’s going on around you. Often used by law enforcement officers, this is a skill that comes with practise. 

We live in a world where people are screaming for validation and attention, yet many are so preoccupied by their image that they fail to realise that they could be setting themselves up for attack. Being the grey man can significantly reduce your chances of being targeted by criminals, yet many people like to flaunt their wealth by showing off their designer clothes, expensive jewellery, and flashy cars – the grey man avoids these at all costs. Crime statistics are increasing so adopting some of the principles explained in this article will provide a solid foundation for keeping you and your loved ones safe. 

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